I love food. Food is possibly one of the greatest experiences I have endured in my time here on earth. There is just so many different kinds of flavors, textures, and smells. The smell is what tops it off for me my mouth begins to water like when a dog sees a bone. This makes me even more hungry come to think of it I am quite hungry at the moment. I should probably eat. The cat in the hat went to the beaches and saw plenty of sneeches. The sneeches had stars on their bellies and some did not. The star bellied sneeches would all laugh and point at the non star bellied sneeches and tell them they are all rotten peaches.
The next time you see a star bellied sneech make sure you have a star on your belly or you will be kicked of the beach. They do not care about what else you may wear as long as you have a little green star down there. They will not play with the normal sneeches until one day they found and even more marvelous creature. My thoughts are not extremely clear today like I said I am hungry when I get hungry i get grouchy like oscar the grouch all I want to do is eat and lie on my couch. But I can not do this for it will cause me to have a pouch.
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