Wednesday, June 12, 2013

#31 Free choice

   This free choice doesn't have much of a topic. It will contain of random rants and whatever comes on my mind while I am typing.  Right now I would really like to be out of the country, somewhere new different and a place to explore. There I can relax and get away from everything I deal with on a day to day basis this is what gets me so excited for summer knowing i'll be far away from everyone and everything I've come to know here. But it is always great when I come back because the second day back it almost feels as if I never even left, unless i actually think of the trip.

    I am a dwarf and i am digging a hole, diggy diggy hole. There is no time in space it i just a marvelous place with all sorts of interesting features including the one eyed creatures. The Burgundy ball is the most miraculous of all because it bounces straight over the 200 foot wall. Over the wall you will find your ball but first you have to encounter claw. The claw is a evil metallic device used to pick the small creatures up and drop them on their heads he does not do this till they are dead, no he just does this to amuse his master Fred.  Fred became master when he won the fish dish cook off. The fish dish cook off is a competitive cooking competition  where  you have to make the actual dish and then you prepare the fish and put it on your homemade dish.

     A great film is the cone-heads. There are twenty six letters in the alphabet and I bet you can't say them all backwards with your eyes closed. My friend Sonya just got a pet and it is a turtle containing salmonella from China town in L.A.. There is no place like home unless your in rome sitting on your thrown trying to make eggs out of bread. This is inevitable it is some sort of thing that over takes the way I think when I  have free choice this is not my real voice is that what you hear when you read this or do you use your voice or do you not have a voice when you read if so is that a choice?

Monday, June 10, 2013

#30 internet research

    Gmo's:genetically modified organisms are plants or animals that have been created through the gene splicing of biotechnology. This technology merges DNA from a different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that can not occur in nature. Monsanto is regarded as one of the most evil corporations on this planet, this is because they pretty much don't tell you what they put in your food.
    We don't know the risks of GMOs because there's no way of knowing. There's no labeling. Therefore there is no traceability. Therefore, there is no accountability. Therefore, there is no liability.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

#29 Use your brain

1. You can fill up the 3 gallon all the way then put all of that water into the 5 gallon container. Then fill up the 3 gallon 1/3s of the way to the top and put the also in the 5 gallon container. This should be somewhere near 4 gallons.
3.Charleen: 26 years, Betty:29 years, Adam: 32 years
4.Saturday of the next week
5.There are more seconds in a week then there are minutes in a year.
6. One hundred and one
7. 98
8. 14
11.the hours in ten years by 1200 get one gallon fill up the 4 gallon a quarter of the way,then half way for 2 gallons, and a third of the way for 3 gallons. Fill up the 9 gallon and pour 4 gallons into the 4gallon container leaving you 5 gallons. repeat the last step to get five gallons and then fill up the 4 gallon container a quarter of the way and then pour that into the 9 gallon bucket. Fill the 9 gallon bucket up all the way up then pour water from it and fill the 4 gallon halfway leaving 7 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket. Fill the 4 gallon up all the way then pour it in the 9 gallon then repeat this. Fill the 9 up all the way and the 4 a quarter of the way. First fill the nine all the way then fill up the 4 gallon halfway. Fill up the 4 gallon container 3/4s of the way then fill up the 9 gallon container all the way and you have 12 gallons.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

#27 ten words


assignment #28

I can read it! I am hpapy taht I am who I am. There is notihng I am not willnig to do to be albe to suceced. I love food gloroius food hot sauasge and mutsard mood, wehn I'm in the mood for smoe wram jlely and custrad.

If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid, too.
Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still ra ed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseaethe huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

#26 Critical film review

  The film I chose to write a review about is My Sister's keeper. The story is about a girl named Kate who is diagnosed with cancer at very young age. Her mother Sara doesn't want her child to die so she has another child,Ana. Ana is a perfect match for all surgeries transplants and donations Kate will need.
Overall I think this is a very good film.
    The film shows the importance of life and listening to each other. There are times where it gets a little boring but then again all movies have there boring parts, so it is worth your while in the long run. The story gives a very real feeling to it almost like your hearing the experience first hand. One thing I wasn't to fond of was how they would have different characters narrate different parts this was kind of interesting it would be cool to see it done in a way that worked more.
     Cameron Diaz's performance is very good in this movie. You usually see her play the rolls of a somewhat likable character and that's what she has become known for. But not in this movie, in this one she is the crazy mother who will do whatever she thinks is best for her daughter even if it is not what she wants to do.
      The main purpose of the husband's part Brian, is to be a foil to his wife. A foil character  is set up as an opposite or contrast to another more primary character. On another note note I think that the idea of making a child with certain genetic make up is pretty messed up. This is because if you are making things a certain way you are planning on using them and having some born a certain just so you can use them is not entirely right.
       Overall I say this is one of the more touching and down to earth movies I have seen and I really appreciated it. I give it a 4 out of 5 stars